The difference is massive and so are the download times. RAW file formats generally require 176,000 bytes per second compared to a lossy format which requires 17,600. As you know iTunes could be an audio player as well as an audio converter and fortunately it supports both WAV and MP3 files. To convert WAV to MP3 the most direct and simple way is to use iTunes. By using lossy formats it enables even dial up users to download mp3 files at a reasonable speed. Solution 1: Use iTunes to Convert WAV to MP3 on Mac. The reason lossy formats are used over RAW is that RAW audio files are too large to travel over the internet at any great speed. In other words, that means it removes the information that your ear doesn't notice thereby making the file smaller. Instead, MP3 files use perceptual coding. That means that an MP3 file does not contain 100% of the original audio information. This then enables you to get hundreds of songs on to a CD and it also has opened up a new market over the internet - the download market as download times have been significantly reduced. MP3 gets rid of a lot of the information recorded in a song that our ears are not able to hear and then uses complex algorithms to reduce the file size. MP3 is a digital music format which allows CD tracks to be reduced to around a tenth of their normal size without a significant loss of quality.

As they are stored in an uncompressed format they are enormously versatile and allow for easy editing and manipulation. 128 kbit/s, 192 kbit/s, and 320 kbit/s are popular bitrates for music files. The higher the bitrate, the better the sound quality. MP3 audio quality differs depending on the encoded bitrate.
It was originally developed back in 1991 for use within Windows 3.1 but today it is the gold standard in studio recording and one of the most popular digital audio formats. And the file size is still much smaller than WAV. The WAV file is one of the simplest digital audio file formats.